Sometimes a tweet comes along that completely changes the way you speak. It weasels its way into your prefrontal cortex and unlocks new parts of your brain. For example, the tweet "SITTING" by @MissNikkiiBaby has permanently altered my brain chemistry. I think of it almost every time I pop a squat. But that's just me.
There are certain tweets that have changed the way large swaths of us speak and use language online. Like the tweet format, "She got her degree in motherology with a focus on c***ological studies from slayington university." Now that's endlessly repeatable and endlessly fun. Think of any moderately successful actress and someone has probably tweeted that about them. Even the word "stan" has taken on a whole new life on Twitter. I'm curious how it will continue to change the way we communicate. Perhaps we will never be the same. These tweets will certainly give us some ideas.
There are certain tweets that have changed the way large swaths of us speak and use language online. Like the tweet format, "She got her degree in motherology with a focus on c***ological studies from slayington university." Now that's endlessly repeatable and endlessly fun. Think of any moderately successful actress and someone has probably tweeted that about them. Even the word "stan" has taken on a whole new life on Twitter. I'm curious how it will continue to change the way we communicate. Perhaps we will never be the same. These tweets will certainly give us some ideas.