Parents always want what is best for their kids. They want to share every amazing moment with them. Bonding with their child is of the utmost importance. But you know what else should be prioritized for the sake of your baby and yourself? YOU time! That's right. Give yourself a few minutes, hours, heck, a week away! Give the kids to the grandparents and take some time for mom and dad. Or, if you really can't step away for that long, which, we get, sometimes it's just not in the cards, then at least give yourself like 5 minutes! Just scroll through some relatable memes that give you a chance to laugh. Laughter truly is one of the best medicines. Then, after you're able to take some time to meme and wind down, you can go back to being the best parent ever. It's about balance, mental health, and not taking life too seriously. Believe us, your kids will thank you for it.